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Two books you must read as a realtor or salesperson

Two books you must read as a realtor or salesperson

In 2018, I read an article online written by a Realtor in which she described how her business was taken to the next level after reading the book, Ninja Selling by Larry Kendall. She discussed how reading the book had gained her new clientele in just under a few months. 

Less than a month later, I stumbled upon a Podcast that described a similar success story, the author having read this same book as well. I brushed off these two similar instances because I truly believed that I didn’t need to learn anything more about sales. Would you believe that a week after that, one of my business partners walked into my office and said “You’ve got to read this book!”, showing me the copy he had downloaded. 

In a month's time, I had now heard about this book on three separate occasions, and being that I am a man that believes in “signs”, I took this as my “sign” to get my hands on a copy of this book ASAP. Once I got my hands on the book, I was happy to learn that the message was already a part of how I was running my business. 

This book wasn't about any special selling technique, rather, it was about taking advantage of the opportunities you have around you every day. Furthermore, it explains how to leverage your current relationships into new business or referral partners.

Once I completed the book, I implemented a few pieces and perfected some systems that I had already had in place. I then read the book one last time, and then sent copies of the hardcover book to 30 referral partners and clients, all whom I thought could benefit from it as well. 

The buzz around 7L, The Seven Levels of Communication by Michael J. Maher, started at the beginning of 2020. This time around, I was more open to the idea of tweaking the current networking systems I had in place, so I was eager to download a copy of the book right away. 

7L is a fable that is told through the eyes of a struggling Real Estate Broker. He stumbles upon a Mortgage Broker that is succeeding immensely in an economic downturn. The book details the path in which this struggling, self employed businessman takes to bring his business back to life in just a few short months; all while learning and executing the book's main points.  

Both of these books include beneficial systems that you can implement into your business system today. I would recommend implementing either some or all of the strategies recommended as they are optimal to the success of your business. 

Keep reading, growing, and take advantage of your full potential.

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